diff --git a/.env b/.env new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f05c20dcb1ef7cfe8b5608c79155037504c520f --- /dev/null +++ b/.env @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +ca_cert=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUN3akNDQWFxZ0F3SUJBZ0lCQURBTkJna3Foa2lHOXcwQkFRc0ZBREFTTVJBd0RnWURWUVFERXdkcmRXSmwKTFdOaE1CNFhEVEU0TURjd05ERXhNRGcxTjFvWERUSTRNRGN3TVRFeE1EZzFOMW93RWpFUU1BNEdBMVVFQXhNSAphM1ZpWlMxallUQ0NBU0l3RFFZSktvWklodmNOQVFFQkJRQURnZ0VQQURDQ0FRb0NnZ0VCQUtCeHVxRmhGcmgrCmwxZ21sbU5DaVh5c21LYkFReDFMSFU2KzJnV01EQ3hnQmlNV3JFM3ZGYWdENkdxUFQ0SHlnanF5MUZBM0FzYkMKQkRCQnA3dkd1YmdKOUdpcERSdjNsNUxyQjg2YU14VFhGUGNIZlVtMTZGdXJrRXJyNDBsZzB1eVdrNUFPbjJHYgpUaTFPSE9vc1RJZ2dSbno0R0d5cWJXRXRiczJOd3ZQREV4d0dhQzk4UENIdTZjcVNjVnlhRnQvTmhMY1dTd0pMClcwVU52VnpEREdXaDAwT2NPVGhlRVF2aVlqdEU2TCt6Sk9IMGkwRk44RDR4RHpLZXRGdVBZU040Ym9ERFAzZnIKMHBabXVPbHo5VWZTZEtNaFl3aUxNYkYwMjduTDVJSWZFeS92cGhubDJleEtYN2ZtR1BMY1dVRFZoZ3VKcXNudQo2Tmt0ZytSa2xtc0NBd0VBQWFNak1DRXdEZ1lEVlIwUEFRSC9CQVFEQWdLa01BOEdBMVVkRXdFQi93UUZNQU1CCkFmOHdEUVlKS29aSWh2Y05BUUVMQlFBRGdnRUJBQ0lEeDZEZWlRQUwvUmZLdldtTTdIOTEzc1ZTU0NzL3hDem4KKy9iQVphbGJFd0NjUGR4cWJGaHduOVN0THFZdlpyaktldnZRSkkwMkdtdld5WkRKY0tKYU9GQktPRlFkZjVPRwpzNHhCcTQwblJjY0RJaDhweFZWM2JQZlBLL3g2ODRYM2VQaGM5b0YyemNXaVp4ZUttR2lMZ01pbStIUnBZZmc2CitVSVJZZ1p3YS9nTkc1aHdlNjA0Rm5pUVdoZXpRNVRsdFozTkVzcUFHcVpFK3BnVW5tM0NPeEpiNGk2Rk1BRjUKcEE0bU5zdm00alV1L0lObHg4MENicXAyckprV1Q3ZVpqTFFwNUlXaXpVaG85M2V0ZjFUR0krelhHUGxmTzZzVApXa1kvN0prOWdHUVVaNHQ2RFBsT1A1K0J3UWt3NVFUWEJHVGJwRXF6NlM3TXFBVTRiSWM9Ci0tLS0tRU5EIENFUlRJRklDQVRFLS0tLS0K +token=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 +docker_config=foobar \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Changelog.md b/Changelog.md index dd7c8e72942b290311a3d3350029053dd67e32c2..e4cdee8cb531b18f2afcebcfa73bb12ff8a4bb17 100644 --- a/Changelog.md +++ b/Changelog.md @@ -1,4 +1,10 @@ # Changelog +## [1.1.0] - 2018-08-08 +### Added +* `undeploy` command + ## 1.0.0 - 2018-08-06 * initial release + +[1.1.0]: https://git.sc.uni-leipzig.de/ubl/bdd_dev/webmasterei/deployer/compare/release%2F1.0.0...release%2F1.1.0 diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md index 272239557a766518fe49df85a94823afd9d00193..5290a96cdeb938b6d30f8e0f431fa1854623237a 100644 --- a/Readme.md +++ b/Readme.md @@ -53,6 +53,21 @@ Depending on existing deployment with the same name either an installation or an Upgrades always recreate the pods. If the image is pulled depends on `imagePullPolicy` of the container specs. +## deployer undeploy + +This command undeploys a deployment from a kubernetes cluster. The credentials are provided by the cluster-admin as well as the namespace and the service-account. + +``` +$ deployer undeploy \ + --namespace example_namespace \ + --cluster-url https://k8s-cluster.example.com:6443 \ + --certificate-authority "$base64_encoded_cacert" \ + --token "$base64_encoded_bearer_token" \ + --name example-staging \ + --service-account tiller-service-account +``` +*undeploys deployment named *example-staging* from namespace *example_namespace** + # Advanced Configuration ## docker build @@ -74,6 +89,16 @@ Upgrades always recreate the pods. If the image is pulled depends on `imagePullP * `--token`: sets the bearer token of the service-account as bas64-encoded string. This string is provided by the k8s-admin. * `--namespace`: sets the k8s-namespace where the deployment is located. This string is provided by the k8s-admin. * `--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin +* `--name`: sets the name of the deployment. * `--charts`: sets the path where the helm-charts reside. * `--set`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts. Provide multiple `--set`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides. * `--set-string`: overrides the values from `Values.yaml` in the helm-charts as string. Provide multiple `--set-string`-options if you want to provide multiple overrides. + +## docker undeploy + +* `--cluster-url`: sets the url to the kube-apiserver. This URL is provided by the k8s-admin. +* `--certificate-authority`: sets the certificate-authority certificate as base64-encoded string. This string is provided by the k8s-admin +* `--token`: sets the bearer token of the service-account as bas64-encoded string. This string is provided by the k8s-admin. +* `--namespace`: sets the k8s-namespace where the deployment is located. This string is provided by the k8s-admin. +* `--service-account`: this is the name of the service-account, that is used to perform the deployment. This string is provided by the k8s-admin +* `--name`: sets the name of the deployment. diff --git a/assets/deployer b/assets/deployer index 3719c16d32a6e18c2e0fe36a05ef3caca860794a..170343f2c3322161561af6bd85c351151d02ce2c 100755 --- a/assets/deployer +++ b/assets/deployer @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ set -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset ## declare used variables -cmd="" image_name="image" cluster_name="cluster" context="context" @@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 4 ]]; then exit 1 fi -OPTIONS=d:,t:,b:,c:,n:,s: +OPTIONS= LONGOPTS=docker-config:,tag:,build-arg:,set:,set-string:,charts:,name:,token:,certificate-authority:,namespace:,cluster-url:,service-account:,output:,input: # -use ! and PIPESTATUS to get exit code with errexit set @@ -218,8 +217,8 @@ prepare_helm() { return 0 } -prepare_helm_command() { - echo -ne "Preparing helm command..." +helm_deploy() { + echo -ne "Deploying ${name}..." if [ "${name}" == "" ];then echo "failed" @@ -233,7 +232,19 @@ prepare_helm_command() { return 1 fi - cmd="helm upgrade --install --wait --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --namespace=${namespace}" + local out + local cmd + + if [ "$(helm ls --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --namespace=${namespace} --pending --deleted --failed --short | grep ${name})" != "" ];then + out=`helm delete --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --purge ${name} 2>&1` + if [ "$?" != "0" ];then + echo "failed" + echo "$out" + return 1 + fi + fi + + cmd="helm upgrade --install --wait --timeout=60 --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --namespace=${namespace}" for set in ${sets};do cmd="$cmd --set ${set}" @@ -245,24 +256,6 @@ prepare_helm_command() { cmd="$cmd ${name} ${charts}" - echo "done" - return 0 -} - -helm_deploy() { - echo -ne "Deploying ${name}..." - local out="" - - # todo: do we need this when we do a "helm upgrade --install" ? - # if [ "$(helm ls --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --namespace=${namespace} --deleted --failed --short | grep ${name})" != "" ];then - # out=`helm delete --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --purge ${name} 2>&1` - # if [ "$?" != "0" ];then - # echo "failed" - # echo "$out" - # return 1 - # fi - # fi - out=`$cmd 2>&1` if [ "$?" != "0" ];then echo "failed" @@ -273,23 +266,26 @@ helm_deploy() { echo "done" } -test_helm_deploy() { - echo -ne "Waiting for successful deploy..." +helm_undeploy() { + echo -ne "Undeploying ${name}..." - counter=0 - while [ "$(helm ls --tiller-namespace=${namespace} --namespace=${namespace} | grep ${name} | awk -F"\t" '{ print $4; }')" != "DEPLOYED" ]; do - sleep 1 - if [ $counter -eq 60 ];then - break - fi - counter=$[$counter+1] - done - if [ $counter -eq 60 ];then + if [ "${name}" == "" ];then + echo "failed" + echo "no deploy name specified" + return 1 + fi + + local out + + out=`helm delete --tiller-namespace=${namespace} ${name} 2>&1` + + if [ "$?" != "0" ];then echo "failed" + echo "$out" return 1 fi + echo "done" - return 0 } prepare_image_publisher() { @@ -309,17 +305,6 @@ prepare_image_publisher() { return 0 } -prepare_image_builder() { - cmd="docker build --pull" - for arg in $buildargs;do - echo "adding $arg to build command" - cmd="$cmd --build-arg $arg --build-arg ${arg,,}" - done - - cmd="$cmd -t ${image_name} ." - return 0 -} - save_image() { local out echo -ne "saving image ..." @@ -341,8 +326,17 @@ save_image() { } build_image() { - local out echo -ne "building image..." + + local out + local cmd="docker build --pull" + + for arg in $buildargs;do + echo "adding $arg to build command" + cmd="$cmd --build-arg $arg --build-arg ${arg,,}" + done + + cmd="$cmd -t ${image_name} ." out=`$cmd 2>&1` if [ "$?" != "0" ];then echo "failed" @@ -424,13 +418,16 @@ fi case $1 in build) - prepare_image_builder && build_image && save_image + build_image && save_image ;; publish) prepare_image_publisher && import_image && publish_image ;; deploy) - prepare_kubectl && prepare_helm && prepare_helm_command && helm_deploy && test_helm_deploy + prepare_kubectl && prepare_helm && helm_deploy + ;; + undeploy) + prepare_kubectl && prepare_helm && helm_undeploy ;; help) echo "help" diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml index 3a38a1706591196012945ac6735dd0d41c137375..c38fbc1ae9781c2b94f301637e7300278196c593 100644 --- a/docker-compose.yml +++ b/docker-compose.yml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ version: '2' services: - deployer: + build: build: . volumes: - ./:/app @@ -9,6 +9,40 @@ services: - docker environment: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 + command: deployer build --output .tmp/image.tar.gz + + publish: + build: . + volumes: + - ./:/app + - ./assets/deployer:/usr/local/bin/deployer + depends_on: + - docker + environment: + DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 + command: deployer publish --input .tmp/image.tar.gz --docker-config "${docker_config}" --name exampleimage --tag latest --tag "1.0" + + deploy: + build: . + volumes: + - ./:/app + - ./assets/deployer:/usr/local/bin/deployer + depends_on: + - docker + environment: + DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 + command: deployer deploy --namespace test --cluster-url --certificate-authority ${ca_cert} --token ${token} --name testdeploy --charts ./examplechart --service-account test --set image.tag=stable + + undeploy: + build: . + volumes: + - ./:/app + - ./assets/deployer:/usr/local/bin/deployer + depends_on: + - docker + environment: + DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 + command: deployer undeploy --namespace test --cluster-url --certificate-authority ${ca_cert} --token ${token} --name testdeploy --service-account test docker: image: docker:dind diff --git a/docs/workflow.wsd b/docs/workflow.wsd index 768b4683981edf83e8a05810a84402e0fec1ee31..35206e9ff3880673f727b250f6e7e975ffd2a117 100644 --- a/docs/workflow.wsd +++ b/docs/workflow.wsd @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -@startuml -'include +@startuml "Deploy Alpha" "Developer" as dev -> "Gitlab" as gitlab: commit:1-issue gitlab -> "CI-Runner" as runner: build image runner->runner: docker build diff --git a/examplechart/.helmignore b/examplechart/.helmignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0c13194444163d1cba5c67d9e79231a62bc8f44 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/.helmignore @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Patterns to ignore when building packages. +# This supports shell glob matching, relative path matching, and +# negation (prefixed with !). Only one pattern per line. +.DS_Store +# Common VCS dirs +.git/ +.gitignore +.bzr/ +.bzrignore +.hg/ +.hgignore +.svn/ +# Common backup files +*.swp +*.bak +*.tmp +*~ +# Various IDEs +.project +.idea/ +*.tmproj diff --git a/examplechart/Chart.yaml b/examplechart/Chart.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8759ca90f428776b894b84b71e4dd3588a990d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/Chart.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +apiVersion: v1 +appVersion: "1.0" +description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes +name: examplechart +version: 0.1.0 diff --git a/examplechart/templates/NOTES.txt b/examplechart/templates/NOTES.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c73645cadefebedd846feba29d4555b0f072bc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/templates/NOTES.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +1. Get the application URL by running these commands: +{{- if .Values.ingress.enabled }} +{{- range .Values.ingress.hosts }} + http{{ if $.Values.ingress.tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ . }}{{ $.Values.ingress.path }} +{{- end }} +{{- else if contains "NodePort" .Values.service.type }} + export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services {{ template "examplechart.fullname" . }}) + export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}") + echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT +{{- else if contains "LoadBalancer" .Values.service.type }} + NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. + You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get svc -w {{ template "examplechart.fullname" . }}' + export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ template "examplechart.fullname" . }} -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') + echo http://$SERVICE_IP:{{ .Values.service.port }} +{{- else if contains "ClusterIP" .Values.service.type }} + export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -l "app={{ template "examplechart.name" . }},release={{ .Release.Name }}" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") + echo "Visit to use your application" + kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:80 +{{- end }} diff --git a/examplechart/templates/_helpers.tpl b/examplechart/templates/_helpers.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f8669a026054394c2711bd6cf3d358020110ea5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/templates/_helpers.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}} +{{/* +Expand the name of the chart. +*/}} +{{- define "examplechart.name" -}} +{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} +{{- end -}} + +{{/* +Create a default fully qualified app name. +We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). +If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name. +*/}} +{{- define "examplechart.fullname" -}} +{{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}} +{{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} +{{- else -}} +{{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}} +{{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}} +{{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} +{{- else -}} +{{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} +{{- end -}} +{{- end -}} +{{- end -}} + +{{/* +Create chart name and version as used by the chart label. +*/}} +{{- define "examplechart.chart" -}} +{{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} +{{- end -}} diff --git a/examplechart/templates/deployment.yaml b/examplechart/templates/deployment.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f38912f6319150ab1d47e7687984a43e373f2a17 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/templates/deployment.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 +kind: Deployment +metadata: + name: {{ template "examplechart.fullname" . }} + labels: + app: {{ template "examplechart.name" . }} + chart: {{ template "examplechart.chart" . }} + release: {{ .Release.Name }} + heritage: {{ .Release.Service }} +spec: + replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }} + selector: + matchLabels: + app: {{ template "examplechart.name" . }} + release: {{ .Release.Name }} + template: + metadata: + labels: + app: {{ template "examplechart.name" . }} + release: {{ .Release.Name }} + spec: + containers: + - name: {{ .Chart.Name }} + image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}" + imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }} + ports: + - name: http + containerPort: 80 + protocol: TCP + livenessProbe: + httpGet: + path: / + port: http + readinessProbe: + httpGet: + path: / + port: http + resources: +{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 12 }} + {{- with .Values.nodeSelector }} + nodeSelector: +{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }} + {{- end }} + {{- with .Values.affinity }} + affinity: +{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }} + {{- end }} + {{- with .Values.tolerations }} + tolerations: +{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }} + {{- end }} diff --git a/examplechart/templates/ingress.yaml b/examplechart/templates/ingress.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99fbe934a0ea3b795134c022ceef3f0559890b46 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/templates/ingress.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +{{- if .Values.ingress.enabled -}} +{{- $fullName := include "examplechart.fullname" . -}} +{{- $ingressPath := .Values.ingress.path -}} +apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 +kind: Ingress +metadata: + name: {{ $fullName }} + labels: + app: {{ template "examplechart.name" . }} + chart: {{ template "examplechart.chart" . }} + release: {{ .Release.Name }} + heritage: {{ .Release.Service }} +{{- with .Values.ingress.annotations }} + annotations: +{{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} +{{- end }} +spec: +{{- if .Values.ingress.tls }} + tls: + {{- range .Values.ingress.tls }} + - hosts: + {{- range .hosts }} + - {{ . }} + {{- end }} + secretName: {{ .secretName }} + {{- end }} +{{- end }} + rules: + {{- range .Values.ingress.hosts }} + - host: {{ . }} + http: + paths: + - path: {{ $ingressPath }} + backend: + serviceName: {{ $fullName }} + servicePort: http + {{- end }} +{{- end }} diff --git a/examplechart/templates/service.yaml b/examplechart/templates/service.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dab8fc9e123b191289d597a8211aac2fef04676d --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/templates/service.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Service +metadata: + name: {{ template "examplechart.fullname" . }} + labels: + app: {{ template "examplechart.name" . }} + chart: {{ template "examplechart.chart" . }} + release: {{ .Release.Name }} + heritage: {{ .Release.Service }} +spec: + type: {{ .Values.service.type }} + ports: + - port: {{ .Values.service.port }} + targetPort: http + protocol: TCP + name: http + selector: + app: {{ template "examplechart.name" . }} + release: {{ .Release.Name }} diff --git a/examplechart/values.yaml b/examplechart/values.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79e237f82df2c6450d7a5856736f221c0dfd3298 --- /dev/null +++ b/examplechart/values.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# Default values for examplechart. +# This is a YAML-formatted file. +# Declare variables to be passed into your templates. + +replicaCount: 1 + +image: + repository: nginx + tag: stable + pullPolicy: IfNotPresent + +service: + type: ClusterIP + port: 80 + +ingress: + enabled: false + annotations: {} + # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx + # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" + path: / + hosts: + - chart-example.local + tls: [] + # - secretName: chart-example-tls + # hosts: + # - chart-example.local + +resources: {} + # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious + # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little + # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following + # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. + # limits: + # cpu: 100m + # memory: 128Mi + # requests: + # cpu: 100m + # memory: 128Mi + +nodeSelector: {} + +tolerations: [] + +affinity: {}